I cannot believe we are now six episodes into the Deeper Call podcast. What an incredible experience it has been thus far. I am learning so much about the guests and myself in the process. If you missed last week’s episode with climate activist Bonnie Wright you can tune in here. There are so many gems in our conversation!
In this episode, I’m joined by Tracee Stanley, author of the bestselling book Radiant Rest and the forthcoming The Luminous Self: Sacred Yogic Practices & Rituals to Remember Who You Are.
Being with Tracee feels like a homecoming. She is one of the most embodied humans I have ever met. With each offering she shares throughout our conversation, I felt myself dropping deeper into my body, becoming more available for connection and for life itself.
Together we explore how to deepen our questions, our rest rituals, and our relationships with our ancestors. Tracee reminded me how restorative it is to practice rituals in moments or seasons of transition and how when we take…