As I was reading this piece, I was so struck by the beautiful balance of wisdom and vulnerability. I absolutely LOVED how you mention that this is a safe space to share parts of your past so that others realise they are not alone. I am driven by a similar impulse and it's wonderful to see someone modelling this so well, Ashley. Indeed, when you stated that "Sharing our stories from a place of strength is an art" I was like, 'YEAH!' Both because I 100% agree with this statement, and also because you clearly have that art. Thank you.

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May 28, 2023Liked by Ashley Neese

"There is nothing more powerful than the sound of our own voice, it rings louder what our parents, lovers, friends, and bosses say to us. It’s our own voice that calls the loudest to our spirit." love this ! owning our voice, speaking words of love and really feeling them resonate in truth is and has been for me so empowering and healing. Thank you as always for sharing your voice beautiful and wise Ashley <3

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Sarah! It is always such a delight to hear from you. Thank you for taking the time to connect here and share this reflection with me. Grateful! I love what you wrote about how speaking words of love and letting them resonate has empowered you. YES! So potent. Thinking of you! x

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Thank you for sharing! “There is something to be said for stepping into the light of no longer feeling broken.” Much different paths, but I also feel that this is what I’m now embracing-that I am not a problem to fix. Remembering that joy & laughter are deep medicines for myself and to share, and that those are beautiful energies to navigate the world through.

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Thank you for taking the time to write Valerie. I love that we can connect regardless of having different paths, that is truly refreshing and incredible. I appreciate what you shared about remembering that joy and laughter are deep medicines for you to offer yourself and share. xo

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Ashley Neese

Ashley, your words are beautifully written around the topic of alcoholism and addiction. So much here that resonates with my sobriety and my current journey in AA. Thank you for sharing your insights on releasing the narrative around “brokenness” — I feel seen. I would love to read your other bits around your addiction on your old journal as you mentioned. Is it still floating around the internet for reading?

Thank you for your vulnerability and honesty. I greatly look forward to your pieces weekly— you are such a light with words.


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Jun 14, 2023Liked by Ashley Neese

Going on six years sober and these words resonate profoundly. "There is something to be said for stepping into the light of no longer feeling broken" -- I know exactly what you mean and it felt so good to read those words aloud. As always, thank you xo

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