Jun 9Liked by Ashley Neese

I'm so excited for this! What a cool offering. Sometimes meditation/intentional breathing makes me feel a little panicky, but I'm looking forward to trying breathwork again with you all. Count me in.

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I am excited you are going to participate Erin! I hear you about the panicky feelings, we will address them. Happy to have you.

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I am really looking forward to practicing in community with you. If you plan to join feel free to share any intentions for the immersion or any questions you have.

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Jun 9Liked by Ashley Neese

My breath practice has slipped away from me of late. My intention for this immersion is to re-dedicate myself to a regular practice and give myself grace when it slips.

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I love this Becksie, your re-dedication and your intention to give yourself grace. Happy you will be joining us.

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Jun 23Liked by Ashley Neese

Hello Ashley,

I have a morning/evening, and throughout the day breathwork practice…I am always eager to learn from different perspectives…Your description of the 5week series made my bones sing! As a current paid subscriber, will I receive the breathwork materials or do I need to do anything additional to join you in this journey?

I’m excited!

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Hello Sarah, you are all set for the immersion! I am thrilled you are eager to join us and I look forward to connecting with you inside our practice container! The first practice goes out early Wednesday morning❤️

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Jun 22Liked by Ashley Neese

I decided to leave my job and move towards something that makes more sense. One of my goals during this in-between time is to slow down and learn how to breathe! Your 5-week breathwork immersion comes at the right time as my last day of work is June 28. Did you read my mind Ashley??

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Hi Michelle! Wow, what incredible timing for your transition and intention to slow down and learn to breathe! I am thrilled you will be joining us and look forward to getting to know you during the immersion💫

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I'd love to join you. I am currently involved in two other Substack offerings, and feeling slightly overwhelmed, so I can't add more to my plate at this point.. Wishing you the best in this endeavor and can't wait to hear about it.

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I completely understand Sue. I appreciate that you are honoring your capacity and not taking on more. If the immersion goes well I will offer another one in the future.

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Jun 9Liked by Ashley Neese

While I was driving a few days ago, I realized myself holding my breath frequently. It made me realize the weight on my shoulders and the tension in my body. I haven't had any space to breathe and meditate since my second was born in November. This feels like an invitation from the Universe to reconnect to myself. Just upgraded to participate in the immersion! I really need this. Can't wait!!

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I completely hear you and relate Steph! Having a second child changes so much and I found such little space in that first 9 months with our second. It is amazing how much we hold as parents especially navigating the early years. Grateful you will be joining us. I look forward to getting to know you.

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Jun 10Liked by Ashley Neese

It’s comforting to know I’m not alone and it takes time! My daughter is 7 months and we’re still in survival mode 🤪

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Our third child is ten months old and I feel like I am just crawling out of survival mode. 🤣❤️

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Jun 10Liked by Ashley Neese

🙊🙊 grateful to know we’re not alone! We have each other!!

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Zen has embodied your work! That's so exciting to hear children learning and using the tools - and noticing that you needed them too in that moment!

My breathwork practice has changed over time, I have formal sessions a few times a month but the majority of the time I practice "breath awareness" which is similar to what you described in your story. An awareness of when I'm gripping or tense, when my breath is shallow in my chest, and using that to become more present with my body.

I'm looking forward to your practices :)

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Hi Liz! I love reading how much your practice is woven into your life. The awareness you shared about is powerful to read and I am thrilled you will be joining us

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This could not be surfacing at a better time. I am on a tight budget, but I am practicing more acts of self-care and this is the invitation that clicks with my soul. Thank you Ashley, looking forward to this community gathering! 🌬️✨

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I am so glad the timing aligns for you and that you are practicing more acts of self-care. I look forward to diving deeper with you!

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Jun 9Liked by Ashley Neese

Hello Ashley-

Thinking of you and your family always but especially during this difficult time.

I look forward to joining you for the first time. Of course I have read your book-this will be a wonderful experience.

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Courtney, it is such a treat to hear from you. Yes, this is such a tough time for all of us. I am really glad you are joining us.

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Jun 9Liked by Ashley Neese

Just upgraded to join. So looking forward to this and being in community. I did a 1:1 with you a few years ago and am still v grateful to you for what I learned.

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I am thrilled you are joining us Rachel! I look forward to reconnecting with you.

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Jun 9Liked by Ashley Neese

Same here! ✨

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